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Planning Board Minutes 2007/03/01

March 1, 2007

PRESENT:       Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
                Barbara Hollander, Vice-Chairman
                Derek Tatlock
                Philip Porter
                Emma Smith, Ex-Officio
                Michael Marquise, Town Planner
                Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator

ABSENT: Bruce Jennings
                Allan Davis
                Frederick Gallup, Alt. Ex-Officio
                Greg Vigue, Alternate
                Darlene Morse, Recording Secretary

OTHERS: Jim Bouchard, Wayne McCutcheon, Robert Morgan, Frederick Mocker, and Robert Bell.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Peggy Chalmers at 7:00 PM.

The minutes of the February 1, 2007 meeting were reviewed.  Motion was made by Philip Porter to approve the minutes as corrected.  The  motion was seconded by Barbara Hollander.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


1.  Map 147, Lot 19 – Rosemarie Digilio & Doug McCahon Site Plan Review, Setting up a trailer for the sale of soft serve ice cream adjacent to the existing parking lot.  5653 Rte. 103 – Continuation:  Michael Marquise informed the Board that Mr. McCahon had left a message at the office that he would not be able to attend the meeting.  This case was continued to the April 5, 2007 meeting.

2.  Map 132, Lot 17 – Round Rock Properties, Inc. Site Plan Revie, Convenience Store, Gasoline Sales & Easting Facility with 31 interior seats and 39 exterior seats.  474 Rte. 11 – Continuation:  Michael Marquise reported that no one was present to discuss this case.  The case was continued to the April 5, 2007 meeting.

Planning Board
March 1, 2007

3.  Map 211, Lots 11, 14 – Cooper Street Partners, LLC, Subdivision/Annexation, 1106 Rte. 11:    Michael Marquise informed the Board that the application was filed three weeks in advance, the fees were paid, abutter’s notices sent and the notice was posted.  The application falls under the requirements of 6.04 of the Subdivision Regulations subject to waivers that are allowed in 6.05 (b), the mapping of existing contours, existing utilities, plans for storm water drainage and plans for water supply.  The lots are both over 5 acres so there is no need for state subdivision approval.  M. Marquise stated that with the waivers, he believes the application to be complete.  Motion by Philip Porter to accept the application as complete with the waivers as recommended by M. Marquise.  The motion was seconded by Derek Tatlock.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

The subdivision/annexation was presented by surveyor Wayne McCutcheon.  W. McCutcheon explained that the property owner owns 5 lots that abut each other.  These are located on Map 211, Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.  A discontinued road abuts all five lots and runs through the property.  The plan asks that the Board allow the owner to annex 13.33 from tax map 211, lot 14 and reduce the lot to 5.25 acres.  Parcel A is going across the discontinued road and will become a part of  tax map 211, lot 14.  W. McCutcheon stated that it was hoped that at the next meeting of the Planning Board, a merger application will be before them to merge all of the lots excluding the 5.25 acres together.  Cooper Street Partners has the opportunity to sell the 5.25 acre lot.  Motion was made by Derek Tatlock to approve the subdivision/annexation.  The motion was seconded by Barbara Hollander.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  


1.  Map 203, Lot 7, Robert Bell, Subdivision, Prospect Hill Road:  Robert Bell was present to discuss changes in the construction of his road on his Prospect Hill subdivision.  He explained how the grade was improved and the road extended from 1,425 to 1,475.  The grade at the top is down from 11.6% to 10%.  R. Bell stated that Tony Bergeron was very much in favor of these changes.    Michael Marquise stated that he feels the Board should have no problem with the changes as long as the Road Agent and Fire Chief approve them.   R. Bell furthered explained the progress of his project.  He stated that there is an issue with the common land.  He is scheduled to meet with the Conservation Commission to speak with them about accepting ownership of the common land which consists of 36 acres.   The realtors have advised him that buyers are not interested in ownership of common land because of the taxes, maintenance and liability issues.  The common land would be accessible either by frontage or easement.  The land could be put into current use, but R. Bell stated that he would not know what to do with it.  

Planning Board
March 1, 2007

2.  Roger Landry reported to the Board about his meeting with Sunapee Invite and the proposed zoning amendments.  Discussion was also held on the survey for the Master Plan review in particular the issue of affordable housing.  

3.  Map 237, Lot 25 – Mountain Home Developers (Flanders), 119 Brook Road, Subdivision:   Mr. Flanders was present to ask inform the Board that he has asked his bank for a letter of credit and was told it would probably take another 6 to 7 weeks to receive it.  Mr. Flanders would like to begin construction on the road and asked the Board what they would require for a bond.  The Board agreed to allow Mr. Flanders to construct 500 feet of the road upon payment of a $10,000.00 bond.  Mr. Flanders presented the Board with an estimate of $205,000.00 for the first phase of construction of the road.  This would require a total bond of $22,550.00.  The Board agreed to the payment of $10,000.00 for 500 feet.  They also approved the installation of culverts, wetlands crossing and associated drainage features.  Mr. Flanders was also asked to remove the present structure that was a part of the conditions of the approval of his subdivision.

4.  Map 225, Lot 61 – Brenda Dowst, 45 Rte. 11, Site Plan Review – Home Occupation:  Roger Landry explained that Brenda Dowst submitted a property usage from to the Planning and Zoning Office.  She would like to begin a home business doing tax forms.  After discussion the Board decided to request that B. Dowst submit a Site Plan Review with drawings of proposed, parking, etc.  The Board agreed not to require her to submit a surveyed plan.  

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.

NOTE:  Any hearings now open and under consideration by this Board are continued to the next meeting of the Planning Board.
NOTE:  The above minutes represents a summary of, not a verbatim of the tape.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved_____________________

Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                                Barbara Hollander, Vice Chairman

Bruce Jennings                                  Derek Tatlock

Philip Porter                                           Allan Davis

Emma Smith, Ex-Officio                          Greg Vigue, Alternate

Frederick Gallup, Alt. Ex-Officio